CrossFit 12/08/2022

CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit

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Hip Clean + Hang Clean (8x(1+1))

Technique over load!

Workout (Time)

Ro Bro

Freedom (RX+)

6 sets: (Every 3:00)

10 Toes to Bar

15 Box Jump Overs (24/20)

10 Toes to Bar

Independence (RX)

6 sets: (Every 3:00)

8 Toes to Bar

12 Box Jump Overs (24/20)

8 Toes to Bar


6 sets: (Every 3:00)

10 Hanging Knee Raises

10 Box Step Ups (24/20)

10 Abmat Sit Ups

Target time each set: 1:30-1:45

Time cap each set: 2 minutes

Reps are small, don’t get caught up in singles on the Toes to Bar.

Keep your transitions Quick!

Be smart on the box. Jump or step over.

Accessory (10 Rounds for reps)

Every min (10 mins)

3-5 Strict Pull-Ups

(Optional: 1 sec Pause at the top + 2-3 second negative)

Advanced: Strict Pull-Ups + Negative

Intermediate: Banded Strict Pull-Up + Negative

Novice: Jumping Pull Up + Slow negative

Beginner: Ring Row/Lat Pull Down (5-8 reps)

Cooldown/Mobility (No Measure)

1 min foot smash w/ lacrosse ball (each side)

1 min calf stretch against wall (each side)

1 min foam roll upper back