Mayhem Affiliate 11/22/2023

CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit

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Warm-up (No Measure)

1. Movement Prep/Activation

8 min AMRAP:

:30 Row

:30 Jog

5 Heel to Toe Rocks

5 Up-Downs to 6 inch Target

2. Workout Prep

1 set:

2 Burpee to 6in Target

100m Row

100m Run


Workout (Time)

“These are my Thanksgiving Pants.”

Freedom (RX’d)

50 Burpees to 6in Target

2000/1750m Row

1600m Run


40 Burpees to 6 inch Target

1750/1500m Row

1200m Run


30 Up Downs

1000/850m Row

800m Run

Target time: 20 minutes

Time cap: 30 minutes

Skills and Drills

Metcon (Checkmark)

Strict Pull-up Progression – Week 2 Day 1:


3 sets of 45-60 Second Dead hang (hold on to the pull-up bar with an overhand grip )- Rest 1:00 between sets


3 sets of 8-10 negative pull-ups (lower yourself down from the top position as slowly as possible)- Rest 1:00 between sets


3 sets of 5 assisted pull-ups (use a band or machine to assist with the pull-up)- Rest 30-seconds between sets


3 sets of 30-45 Second Dead hang (hold on to the pull-up bar with an overhand grip )- Rest 1:00 between sets


3 sets of 5-8 negative pull-ups (lower yourself down from the top position as slowly as possible)- Rest 1:00 between sets


3 sets of 3 assisted pull-ups (use a band or machine to assist with the pull-up)- Rest 30-seconds between sets


3 sets of 20-30 Second Dead hang (hold on to the pull-up bar (toes touching the ground) with an overhand grip )- Rest 1:00 between sets


3 sets of 5-8 negative Ring Rows/pull-ups to a box (lower yourself down from the top position as slowly as possible)- Rest 1:00 between sets


3 sets of 3 Ring Rows/assisted pull-ups (use a band or machine to assist with the pull-up)- Rest 30-seconds between sets


Mobility (Checkmark)

1 min foot smash w/ lacrosse ball (each side)

1 min Couch Stretch (each side)

1 min Hand Smash w/ lacrosse ball (each side)
