CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit
Shoulder Press (7 Sets on 2:30 Clock)
4×6 Building to 70%
6 at 70%
4 @ 80%
2+ @ 90%
superset with 12 Dual DB Bent Over Row
Bench Press (7 Sets on 2:30 Clock)
4×6 Building to 70%
6 at 70%
4 @ 80%
2+ @ 90%
superset with 12 Dual DB Bent Over Row
Double DB Standing Bent Over Row (7×12 Building to light/moderate)
*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets
*Build to a moderate weight, stay the same or build across sets
Focus: Holding dumbbells in either hand, bend at the waist to a 45-60 degree incline of the torso. Be sure to push the hips back so that the load is supported by the posterior chain, rather than only the lower back. Pulling with the elbows, row the dumbbells so they are around the area of the hips (rather than mistakenly pulling with the hands and pulling high). Do not use excessive kipping with the upper body.
Guinevere Beck (Time)
Compete (Rx+)
Every 3 Minutes x 5 Rounds
60 Double Unders
20 Wallballs (20/14)
Performance (Rx)
Every 3 Minutes x 5 Rounds
40 Double Unders
20 Wallballs (20/14)
Every 3 Minutes x 5 Rounds
60 Single Unders
15 Wallballs (light)
Goal: 1:30
Cap: 2:00
Wallballs in 2 sets or unbroken.
Double unders in :45 or less.
Focus on staying controlled with your breathing, don’t let your heart rate spike up.