CrossFit – Fri, Sep 6

CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit

Lower Body Giant Set

6 Sets

Deadlifts x 10, 5, 5, 5, 3, 1-3 (Building to RPE 9)

8-10 Hamstring Curl (3 sec negative)

10 DB Front Rack Walking Lunge



I’m Speechless, Over the Edge I’m Just Breathless (Time)

Compete (Rx+)

For Time (partition as desired)

100 Abmat Situps

100 Air Squats

100 Double Unders

100 Wallballs (20/14)

Performance (Rx)

For Time (partition as desired)

80 Abmat Situps

80 Air Squats

80 Double Unders

80 Wallballs (14/10)


For Time (partition as desired)

60 Abmat Situps

60 Air Squats

60-100 Single Unders

60 Wallballs (light)

Goal: 15-17 Minutes

Cap: 20 Minutes