CrossFit – Thu, Dec 19

CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit


Alternating DB Bench Press (6×8/8, light to moderate weight.)

Start with both DBs extended overhead. Bench with one arm, leaving the other arm extended overhead and then repeat with other side. Loading should be moderate and allow for control throughout entire rep. Select a weight that you can control when sitting back to start and sitting up to finishing set. Do not drop the dumbbells. To avoid injury, bring the knees up to meet the dumbbells and sit up with them. If you have to drop them to deload, you’ve gone too heavy.

Straight Leg Bridges (Checkmark)


L-Sit (6x:15, accumulation)


Metcon (Time)


10 Rounds for Time

10 Abmat Sit Ups

2 Inchworms to Pike Push Up


10 Rounds for Time

10 Alternating V-Ups

2 Wall Walks


10 Rounds for Time

10 V-Ups

3 Wall Walks

Goal Time: 9-11 minutes

Time Cap: 15 minutes

Rounds are quick, aim to stay below 1 minute.

Wall walks can make it or break it. Keep the rst minimal.

Scale the reps before you scale the movement.