CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit
Partner WOD
Metcon (Time)
Buy In: 60 Calorie Bike
30 Hang Clean and Jerk
80 Knee Raises
30 Hang Clean and Jerk
80 Horizontal Bar Push Ups
Cash Out: 60 Calorie Ski
Buy In: 80 Calorie Bike
30 Clean and Jerk (95/65)
100 Toes to Bar
30 Clean and Jerk (95/65)
100 Push Ups
Cash Out: 80 Calorie Ski
Buy In: 100 Calorie Bike
30 Clean and Jerk (135/95)
100 Toes to Bar
30 Clean and Jerk (135/95)
100 Hand Release Push Ups
Cash Out: 100 Calorie Ski
Goal Time: Under 25 Minutes
Time Cap: 30 Minutes
You go/I go workout. Break where needed.
Find a partner that will move similar weight.
Slow down, have fun, and smile!