CrossFit – Mon, Aug 12

CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit

Upper Body Giant Set

4 Sets

5-8 Chin Ups (2 second negative)

10 Zottman Curls

14 DB Gorilla Row (7/side)


Wes Anderson (Time)

Compete (Rx+)

For Time:

400m Run

30 Toes to Bar

400m Run

10 Wall Walks

400m Run

30 Toes to Bar

400m Run

Performance (Rx)

400m Run/500m Row/1000m Bike

30 Toes to Bar

400m Run/500m Row/1000m Bike

6 Wall Walks

400m Run/500m Row/1000m Bike

30 Toes to Bar

400m Run/500m Row/1000m Bike


For Time:

200m Run/300m Row/750m Bike

30 Hanging Knee Raises

200m Run/300m Row/750m Bike

10 Inchworm + Push Up

200m Run/300m Row/750m Bike

30 Hanging Knee Raises

200m Run/300m Row/750m Bike

Goal: 12-15 Minutes

Cap: 18 Minutes

Cardio in 2 minutes or less.

Wall walks 3 Minutes or less.

T2B 3 minutes or less.