CrossFit – Mon, Feb 3

CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit


Back Squat (8×2, Build to a Heavy Double)

Front Squat (8×2, Build to a Heavy Double)

Bent Over Row (Single Arm DB Row x5/5)


CFMZ Benchmark 1 (Time)


3 Rounds for Time

300m Run or 600m Bike

12 Alternating Lunges

8 Jumping Pull Ups


3 Rounds for Time

400m Run

50’ Walking Lunges

12 Pull Ups


3 Rounds for Time

400m Run

50’ Walking Lunges

12 Chest to Bar Pull Ups or 5 Muscle Ups

Goal Time: 12 Minutes

Time Cap: 15 Minutes

Run or Bike should be HARD and FAST

Aim for unbroken movements and minimal rest

The run and bike WILL make or break this workout.
Repeat from 12/9/24