CrossFit – Sat, Feb 10

CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit

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“Big Brad” (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Freedom (RX+)

Teams of 2

30:00 AMRAP

150 Double Unders (Split)

30 Alternating Lunges (Together)

50 Alt Dumbbell Snatches (50/35) (Split)

25 Bar Muscle Ups (Or Burpee Pull Ups) (Split)

Today’s workout is in honor of Brad Robinson, owner of CrossFit Zoo. Brad passed away on January 21st after a month and a half long battle with cancer. He wrote this workout before he passed and it contains all of his favorite movements.

Independence (RX)

Teams of 2

30:00 AMRAP

150 Double Unders (Split)

30 Alternating Lunges (Together)

50 Alt Dumbbell Snatches (35/25) (Split)

15 Bar Muscle Ups (Or Burpee Pull Ups) (Split)


Teams of 2

30:00 AMRAP

150 Single Unders (Split)

30 Alternating Lunges (Split)

50 Alt Dumbbell Snatches (light) (Split)

25 Jumping Pull Ups (Split)

No target/minimum today.

Settle in early, it’s a long one.


Mobility (No Measure)

1 min foot smash w/ lacrosse ball (each side)

1 min Couch Stretch (each side)

1 min Bicep Wall Stretch