CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit
Partner WOD
Sexy Devil (Time)
Compete (Rx+)
For Time
200 Air Squats
200 Double Unders
150 Cal Bike
150 Wallballs (20/14)
100 DB Hang Clean and Jerks (50/35)
100 OH Plate Lunges (35/25)
50 SA Devils Press (50/35)
50 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
Performance (Rx)
For Time
200 Air Squats
200 Double Unders
150 Cal Bike
150 Wallballs (14/10)
100 DB Hang Clean and Jerks (35/25)
100 OH Plate Lunges (25/15)
50 SA Devils Press (35/25)
50 Box Jump/Step Overs (24/20)
For Time
150 Air Squats
150 Single Unders
100 Cal Bike
100 Wallballs
75 DB Hang Clean and Jerk
75 Alternating Lunges
30 SA Devils Press
30 Box Step Overs
Cap: 40 Minutes
Partners split work as needed
You go, I go.
Chipper style.