CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit
Lord Voldemort (2 Rounds for time)
Freedom (Rx+)
Every 6 Minutes x 6 (3 Sets Each)
500m Row + 20 Burpees
1000m Bike + 30 GHD Situps
Independence (Rx)
Every 6 Minutes x 6 (3 Sets Each)
400m Row + 20 Burpees
800m Bike + 20 GHD or 30 Stick Situps
Every 6 Minutes x 6 (3 Sets Each)
250m Row + 15 Up/Down
500m Bike + 20 Abmat Situps
Goal: 3-3:30
Cap: 4:00
As close to 1:1 work to rest as you can.
You should have at least 2 minutes of rest before starting the next interval. Adjust your reps accordingly.
Score is slowest round of each interval.