CrossFit – Wed, Feb 7

CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit

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Eiffel Tower (2 Rounds for time)

Freedom (RX+)

10 Rounds on a 3:00 Clock

Odd Rounds

4 Shuttle Runs

2 Wall Walks

3 Shuttle Runs

2 Wall Walks

2 Shuttle Runs

Even Rounds

450/400m Row or 400m Run

Independence (RX)

10 Rounds on a 3:00 Clock

Odd Rounds

3 Shuttle Runs

2 Wall Walks

3 Shuttle Runs

2 Wall Walks

3 Shuttle Runs

Even Rounds

400/350m Row or 350m Run


10 Rounds on a 3:00 Clock

Odd Rounds

3 Shuttle Runs

2 Pike Walks

3 Shuttle Runs

2 Pike Walks

3 Shuttle Runs

Even Rounds

350/300m Row or 300m Run

Target time each set: 1:30-1:50

Time cap each set: 2 minutes

We’re building an oxygen deficit in the later rounds. Don’t be surprised if it catches up.

If the shuttle runs are hard on your hips, sub to a run.

Score is slowest of each round.


Mobility (No Measure)

1 min foot smash w/ lacrosse ball (each side)

1 min calf stretch against wall (each side)

1 min foam roll upper back