CrossFit 03/10/2023

CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit

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Power Snatch

Every 90 Seconds (12:00)

5 Power Snatch

– Use lightweight that can be cycled smoothly for 5 Touch and Go reps

Workout (Checkmark)


Freedom (RX+)

Every Minute (20:00)

Minute 1 – 50 Double Unders

Minute 2 – 3 Squat Snatch (135/95)

Minute 3 – 150m Run

Minute 4 – 15 GHD’s (Or Stick Sit Ups)

Independence (RX)

Every Minute (20:00)

Minute 1 – 35 Double Unders

Minute 2 – 3 Squat Snatch or Power Snatch (115/80)

Minute 3 – 100m Run

Minute 4 – 12 Stick Sit Ups


Every Minute (20:00)

Minute 1 – 50 Single Unders

Minute 2 – 6 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch (light)

Minute 3 – 100m Run

Minute 4 – 15 Sit Ups

Target time each minute: Sub 30 seconds

Time cap each minute: 45 seconds

Be ready to have an elevated heart rate for 20 minutes.

Things will start to get spicy in round 3. Take your time approaching the barbell. Make sure you set up and execute each rep intentionally.

Skills and Drills (Checkmark)

Accumulate 3:00 (total):

-Dead Hang from Pull-Up Bar (Pronated grip)

*Break up as needed; Scale time down if athletes can not hold longer than 20 seconds or sub-farmer carry hold instead.

Mobility (No Measure)

1 min seal pose

1 min bicep stretch on wall

1 min tricep lacrosse ball smash (each side)