CrossFit 04/04/2023

CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit

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10×3 Squat Snatch x 3 sets @65-75% of 1RM Snatch

* Rest 90 seconds between sets *

Power Snatch

10×3 Squat Snatch x 3 sets @65-75% of 1RM Snatch

* Rest 90 seconds between sets *

Workout (Time)

1 John 4:9-10

Freedom (RX+)

3 Rounds

30 Dumbbell Front Squats (35s/25s)

20 Toes to Bar

10 Burpees over Dumbbell

Independence (RX)

3 Rounds

30 Dumbbell Front Squats (25s/15s)

15 Toes to Bar

10 Burpees over Dumbbell


3 Rounds

30 Single Dumbbell Front Squats (light)

20 Hanging Knee raises or Sit Ups

10 Up Downs

Target time: 9-11 minutes

Time cap: 14 minutes

Don’t sell out the squats to crush your toes to bar.

The rest should be more during movements than between.

3-4 minute rounds is the goal!

Mobility (Checkmark)

1 min couch stretch (each side)

1 min pigeon pose (each side)

1 min quad smash (each side)