CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit
Metcon (7 Rounds for reps)
“The Lorax”
Freedom (RX+)
7 rounds
Min 1: 20 Wall Balls (20/14)
Min 2: 12 Handstand Push-ups
Min 3: 20 Alternating V-ups
Independence (RX)
7 rounds
Min 1: 20 Wall Balls (14/10)
Min 2: 10 Handstand Push-ups
Min 3: 12 Alternating V-ups
7 rounds
Min 1: 15 Wall Balls
Min 2: 15 Dumbbell Push Press
Min 3: 15 Sit Ups
Target time each set: 20-35 seconds
Time cap each set: 45 seconds
Handstand Push Ups in 1-2 Sets
Aim to be near unbroken with consistent rest
Warm-up (No Measure)
1 min foot smash with lacrosse ball (each side)
1 min pec smash on rig with lacrosse ball (each side)
1 min foam roll lats (each side)
[Foot Smash](
[Pec Smash](
[Foam Roll Lats](