Mayhem Affiliate 08/15/2022

CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit

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Snatch (1×1)

Power Snatch


Metcon (Time)

“Top Gun”

Freedom (RX+)

10 rounds

10 Dumbbell Bench (50×2/35×2)

10 Toes to Bar

Independence (RX)

10 rounds

10 Dumbbell Bench (35×2/25×2)

7 Toes to Bar


10 rounds

10 Bar Push-ups

10 Hanging Knee Raises

Target time: 10-12 minutes

Time cap: 14 minutes


Complete Movements in 2 Sets or Less

If you can’t do 5 reps of Toes to Bar unbroken, scale

Try to complete one round per minute


Warm-up (No Measure)

1 min couch stretch (each side)

1 min twisted cross (each side)

30 sec bicep stretch on wall (each side
[Couch Stretch](

[Twisted Cross](

[Bicep Wall Stretch](