CrossFit 08/17/2023

CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit

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Bench Press

7×5, Last 2 Sets at 80%

*Rest on a 2:00 clock*


Shoulder Press

7×5, Last 2 Sets at 80%

*Rest on a 2:00 clock*

Triathlon (Time)

Freedom (RX+)

1600m Run
2000m/1800m Row
4000m/3200m Bike

Independence (RX)

1200m Run
1600m/1400m Row
3200m/2800m Bike


1000m Run
1500m/1250m Row
3000m/2500m Bike
Target time: 22-25 minutes

Time cap: 30 minutes

If you want to finish in the target time you’re looking at a pace for each component of 7:20-8:20.

Transition smoothly from one component to the next.

Take advantage of your strongest area to add some time in the bank.


Mobility (No Measure)

1 min foam Roll Quads

1 min foot smash with Lacrosse ball (each side)

30-sec single leg down dog (each side – focus on calf stretch)