CrossFit 10/13/2023

CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit

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Split Squat

Step back into spilt (Jerk side) and bring back knee to floor

*Complete on a 2:30 Clock

Pendlay Row

5×6. Hold for a 2 second isometric at the top of each row.

*Complete on a 2:30 Clock



*Complete on a 2:30 Clock


Workout (Time)

Cupcake Wars

Freedom (RX+)

2:00 AMRAP (6 sets)

12×32′ Shuttle Runs

Max Time Unbroken Farmers Hold

(DBs 70s/50s or Kettlebells (70s/53s)

-Rest 1:00 Between sets-

Independence (RX)

2:00 AMRAP (6 sets)

10×32′ Shuttle Runs

Max Time Unbroken Farmers Hold (2x50s/2x35s)

-Rest 1:00 between sets –


2:00 AMRAP (6 sets)

8×32′ Shuttle Runs

Max Time Unbroken Farmers Hold (2x35s/2x25s)

-Rest 1:00 between sets –

Target time each set: 45 seconds

Minimum time before scaling: 30 Seconds

Score is lowest time

Stimulus is high intensity. Push the pace on the shuttle runs and then control breathing for farmer’s holds.

Use the first round as a test pace and adjust from there.

Keep the dumbbells/kettlebells balanced to place more pressure pn the forearms.


Mobility (No Measure)

1 min foot smash w/ lacrosse ball (each side)

1 min Couch Stretch (each side)

1 min Hand Smash w/ lacrosse ball (each side)