CrossFit 10/30/2023

CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit

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Clean and Jerk

Clean & Jerk 10×2

10×2 Power/Squat Clean and Jerks at 60-75% of 1RM Clean and Jerk

* Complete a set every 90 seconds *


Workout (AMRAP – Reps)

“I am the pumpkin king”

Freedom (RX+)

10:00 AMRAP


Dumbbell Front Squats (50s/35s)

8 Ring Push Ups (Or Dips)

Independence (RX)

AMRAP 10 minutes


Dumbbell Front Squats (35s/25s)

10 Hand Release Push Ups (Or Dumbbell Push Ups)


AMRAP 10 minutes


Single Dumbbell Front Squats (light)

8 Bar Push Ups

Target number of reps: 136+ reps (Round of 16 Squats)

Minimum number of reps before scaling: 90 reps (through 12 Squats + 8 Ring Push Ups)

Both movements have the potential for early burnout, so don’t burn the house down early.

As the reps increase in the 8-10 squat range, take the liberty to break it up in to sets to stay fresh.

Mobility (No Measure)

Mobility (Checkmark)

1 min foot smash with lacrosse ball (each side)

1 min pec smash on rig with lacrosse ball (each side)

1 min foam roll lats (each side)