CrossFit 07/24/2023

CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit

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Hang Power Clean + Clean

8x(1+1), only build to a moderate weight. 1 RMs are coming.

*Rest on a 1:30 Clock*


Mayhem Classic Chipper (Time)

Independence (RX)

25 Burpee Box Get Over (24/20)

40/32 Calorie Bike or 500m Run

20 Stick Sit Ups

10 Bar Muscle-Up (Or 20 Chest to Bar)

20 Stick Sit Ups

40/32 Calorie Bike or 500m Run

25 Burpee Box Get Over (24/20)


25 Up Down Box Get Over (24/20)

30/24 Calorie Bike or 400m Run

25 Sit Ups

20 Jumping Pull Ups

25 Sit Ups

30/24 Calorie Bike or 400m Run

25 Up Down Box Get Over (24/20)

* Target time: 20-22 minutes

* Time cap: 25 minutes

This is a longer workout. Come out with a moderate pace. You’ll want to save some energy for the muscle ups/chest to bar.

Do your best to match your second half pacing to the first half.

If you’re a better conditioned athlete, bump your cardio to 50/40 calorie bike or a 600m run.

Mobility (No Measure)

Mobility (Checkmark)

1 min couch stretch (each side)

1 min twisted cross (each side)

30 sec bicep stretch on wall (each side