CrossFit – Fri, Dec 29

CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit


Bench Press

8×5. Last 3 Rounds at 70%

*Complete on a 2:00 Clock

Push Press

8×5. Last 3 Rounds at 70%

*Complete on a 2:00 Clock

Metcon (Time)

Freedom (RX+)

3 Rounds for Time

21 Russian Swings (72/53)

12 Handstand Push Ups

100m Farmers Carry (72/53)

Independence (RX)

3 Rounds for Time

21 Russian Swings (53/35)

8 Handstand Push Ups

100m Farmers Carry (53/35)


3 Rounds for Time

21 Russian Swings (light)

8 Seated DB Press (light)

100m Farmers Carry (light)

Target Time: 10-12 Minutes

Time Cap:15 Minutes

Big hips and leg drive on KB swings. Choose a weight that is challenging, but you can do unbroken if needed.

Break handstand push ups in to smaller, manageable sets. Scale reps before scaling movement.

Switch hands as needed on the carries.