CrossFit – Fri, May 10

CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit

Successory Work

Every 3 Minutes x 5 Rounds

Barbell Good Mornings x 5

Supermans x 10

KB Farmer’s Carry x 100ft

Good Mornings (5×5, building to moderate)

Farmer’s Carry (5x100ft, building as heavy as possible)

if using 2 dumbbells, log the weight as the combined weight of the db


Jose’s Latin (Time)

Freedom (Rx+)

4 Rounds for Time

15 Air Squats

400m Run

10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups

-1 min rest b/t rounds-

Independence (Rx)

4 Rounds for Time

15 Air Squats

300m Run

10 Pull Ups

-1 min rest b/t rounds-


4 Rounds for Time

15 Air Squats

200m Run

10 Horizontal Rows

-1 min rest b/t rounds-

Goal: 12-15 Minutes

Cap: 20 Minutes

Starting to expose ourselves to some Murph volume!

Steady through the air squats.

Fast, but repeatable, pace on the run.

Pull ups in 1-2 sets.