CrossFit – Fri, May 17

CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit


Complex: High Hang Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch (8 x (1+1))


Vincent Van Gogh (Time)


For Time:

100-200-400-600m Run or Row OR 200-400-1000-1200m Bike

10-20-30-40 Hang Power Snatch

*Decrease BB weight each set: 135/95, 115/75, 95/65, 75/55


For Time:

100-200-300-400m Run or Row OR 200-400-800-1000m Bike

10-20-30-40 Hang Power Snatch

*Decrease weight each set: 115/75, 95/65, 75/55, 45/35


For Time:

100-100-200-300m Run or Row OR 200-200-400-600m Bike

10-20-30-40 Alt DB Snatch (light)

Goal: 12-14 Minutes

Cap: 16 Minutes

Snatches should start moderately heavy and end light.

Snatches in 1-3 sets.

Cardio at a moderate pace that allows you to pick up the barbell within 10 seconds.