CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit
Single Arm Dumbbell Press
5×8/8. Build to a moderate/heavy set.
*Complete on a 2:00 Clock
Review Progression:
-Superman/Hollow Hold with PVC
-PVC Sit Ups
-PVC V-Ups
-Beat Swings
-Beat Swings with Lat Activation
-Beat Swings to Chair Pose
-Toes to Bar!
The Phantom Menace (Time)
Freedom (RX+)
3 Rounds for Time
400m Run
15 Shoulder to Overhead (115/80)
12 Toes to Bar
Independence (RX)
3 Rounds for Time
300m Run
15 DB Shoulder to Overhead (35/25)
10 Toes to Bar
3 Rounds for Time
250m Run
15 DB Shoulder to Overhead (light)
10 Hanging Knee Raises
Target time: 10-12 Minutes
Time Cap 14 Minutes
Your first round should be near the 3:00 mark. If you’re way over, scale back the distance on the run/row.
As a buddy, this is your first workout of the week. Dip your toe in the water. There is absolutely no need to go full send on Day 1.
If in doubt, start off lighter and lower than you think you should. You’ll be happy later in the week.
Mobility (No Measure)
1 min seal pose
1 min bicep stretch on wall
1 min tricep lacrosse ball smash (each side)