CrossFit – Mon, Mar 24

CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit


Back Squat (8×3, Build to a Moderate or Heavy Weight)

Front Squat (8×3, Build to a Moderate or Heavy Weight)


Metcon (Time)


5 Rounds for Time

150m Sprint or 400m Bike

4 Goblet Squats

8 Horizontal Rows

Rest 1 Minute between Rounds


5 Rounds for Time

200m Sprint or 500m Bike

4 Front Squats (115/75)

8 Horizontal Rows

Rest 1 Minute between Rounds


6 Rounds for Time

200m Sprint or 500m Bike

4 Front Squats (115/75)

8 Horizontal Rows

Rest 1 Minute between Rounds

Goal: Under 12 Minutes, 1:30-1:45 rounds.

Cap: 15 Minutes

Come out harder on Round 1 and make adjustments as needed.

Slow down the horizontal rows. Quality over speed.

Use a weight on front squats that you can get straight to the bar and into reps.