CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit
Metcon (Time)
500m Run or 35 Cal Bike
50 Knees to Chest
500m Run or 35 Cal Bike
40 Z Press
500m Run or 35 Cal Bike
30 Walking Lunges each
500m Run or 35 Cal Bike
3 Sled Pushes each
800m Run or 55 Cal Bike
50 Toes to Bar
800m Run or 55 Cal Bike
40 Handstand Push Ups or Z Press
800m Run or 55 Cal Bike
30 Walking Lunges with Sandbag each
800m Run or 55 Cal Bike
5 Sled Pushes each
800m Run or 55 Cal Bike
50 Toes to Bar
800m Run or 55 Cal Bike
50 Handstand Push Ups
800m Run or 55 Cal Bike
50 Walking Lunges with Sandbag each
800m Run or 55 Cal Bike
5 Sled Pushes each
Goal: 25-30 Minutes
Cap: 35 Minutes
You go, I go, switch as needed.
Settle in to a pace early and have fun!