CrossFit – Wed, May 15

CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit


Michelangelo (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Freedom (Rx+)

From 0:00-15:00

Run 800m


AMRAP Remaining Time

5 Strict Pull Ups

10 Push Ups

15 Air Squats

From 15:00-20:00


From 20:00-35:00

Run 800m


AMRAP Remaining Time

10 Clusters (135/95)

20 GHD Situps

Independence (Rx)

From 0:00-15:00

Run 600m


AMRAP Remaining Time

5 Pull Ups

10 Push Ups

15 Air Squats

From 15:00-20:00


From 20:00-35:00

Run 600m


AMRAP Remaining Time

10 Clusters (95/65)

20 V-Ups


From 0:00-15:00

Run 400m


AMRAP Remaining Time

5 Horizontal Rows

10 Push Ups

15 Air Squats

From 15:00-20:00


From 20:00-35:00

Run 800m


AMRAP Remaining Time

10 DB Clean and Jerks (light)

20 Abmat Situps

Goal: A. 5-8 Rounds, B. 3-5 Rounds

Quality movements over quantity of rounds

Moderate running pace, 5 minutes or less.

It’s a grinder, pick a pace and stay there.