CrossFit 01/27/2023

CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit

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Power Snatch (10×2, building up to 3-5 Sets at 70%)

Power Clean (10×2, building up to 3-5 Sets at 70%)

CrossFit Games Open 12.4 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

12-minute AMRAP of:
150 Wall-Ball Shots, 20# / 14#
90 Double-Unders
30 Muscle-ups
CrossFit Open 12.4 and 13.3

Freedom (RX+)

12:00 Amrap

150 Wall Balls (20/14)

90 Double Unders

30 Muscle Ups

Independence (RX)

12:00 Amrap

150 Wall Balls (14/10)

90 Double Unders

30 Bar Muscle Ups OR 30 Burpee Pull-ups


12:00 Amrap

20 Wall Ball Thrusters (light)

30 Single Unders

10 Burpee Pull-ups

Target number of Reps: 250+

Minimum number of reps before scaling: 240

Break up the wallballs out of the gate. They’re the majority of the workout. Be quick, purposeful, but more importantly SMART!

Once you finish wallballs, the hurt is mainly over and it’s all about skill. Challenge yourself, you may be surprised!

Mobility (No Measure)

1 min lacrosse ball pec smash (each side)

1 min overhead elbow grab tricep stretch (each side)

1 min tricep lacrosse ball smash (each side)