CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit Strength 6 Sets Back Squat x 4 (build to 85%) Heavy KB Swing x 8 Front Rack Step Ups x 8* *Focus on fully extending with single leg and squeezing your glutes before putting down non-working foot Back Squat Workout Sweet Potato (5 Rounds for time) Compete (Rx+) Every 3 Min x 5 Sets 9 Cal Bike + 10 Overhead Squats (95/65) 10 Cal Bike + 8 Overhead Squats (115/75) 11 Cal Bike + 6 Overhead Squats (135/95) 12 Cal Bike + 4 Overhead Squats (155/105) 13 Cal Bike + 2 Overhead Squats (185/125) *barbell is from the floor* Performance (Rx) Every 3 Minutes x 5 Sets 9 Cal Bike + 10 Front Squats (95/65) 10 Cal Bike + 8 Front Squats (115/75) 11 Cal Bike + 6 Front Squats (135/95) 12 Cal Bike + 4 Front Squats (155/105) 13 Cal Bike + 2 Front...
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