CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit Partner WOD Sexy Devil (Time) Compete (Rx+) For Time 200 Air Squats 200 Double Unders 150 Cal Bike 150 Wallballs (20/14) 100 DB Hang Clean and Jerks (50/35) 100 OH Plate Lunges (35/25) 50 SA Devils Press (50/35) 50 Box Jump Overs (24/20) Performance (Rx) For Time 200 Air Squats 200 Double Unders 150 Cal Bike 150 Wallballs (14/10) 100 DB Hang Clean and Jerks (35/25) 100 OH Plate Lunges (25/15) 50 SA Devils Press (35/25) 50 Box Jump/Step Overs (24/20) Fitness For Time 150 Air Squats 150 Single Unders 100 Cal Bike 100 Wallballs 75 DB Hang Clean and Jerk 75 Alternating Lunges 30 SA Devils Press 30 Box Step Overs Cap: 40 Minutes Partners split work as needed You go, I go. Chipper style.
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CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit Core EMOM 12 :20 Side Plank :20 Deadbugs Against Wall :20 Side Plank :20 Deadbugs Against Wall Workout Sexy Little Red Riding Hood (AMRAP – Reps) Compete (Rx+) 8 Rounds of 2 Min on/1 Min Rest (24 Min Total) 15/12 Cal Bike + AMRAP Box Jump Overs (30/24”) 15/12 Cal Bike + AMRAP Hand Release Push-Ups 15/12 Cal Bike + AMRAP Double Unders 15/12 Cal Bike + AMRAP Burpee Pull-Ups —Repeat— Performance (Rx) 8 Rounds of 2 Min on/1 Min Rest (24 Min Total) 12/10 Cal Bike or 15/12 Row + AMRAP Box Jump/Step Overs (24/20’’) 12/10 Cal Bike or 15/12 Row + AMRAP Hand Release Push-Ups 12/10 Cal Bike or 15/12 Row + AMRAP Double Unders 12/10 Cal Bike or 15/12 Row + AMRAP Burpee Pull-Ups —Repeat— Fitness 8 Rounds of 2 Min on/1 Min Rest (24 Min Total) 1 Min Bike + AMRAP...
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CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit Core EMOM 12 :20 Side Plank :20 Deadbugs Against Wall :20 Side Plank :20 Deadbugs Against Wall Workout Sexy Little Red Riding Hood (AMRAP – Reps) Compete (Rx+) 8 Rounds of 2 Min on/1 Min Rest (24 Min Total) 15/12 Cal Bike + AMRAP Box Jump Overs (30/24”) 15/12 Cal Bike + AMRAP Hand Release Push-Ups 15/12 Cal Bike + AMRAP Double Unders 15/12 Cal Bike + AMRAP Burpee Pull-Ups —Repeat— Performance (Rx) 8 Rounds of 2 Min on/1 Min Rest (24 Min Total) 12/10 Cal Bike or 15/12 Row + AMRAP Box Jump/Step Overs (24/20’’) 12/10 Cal Bike or 15/12 Row + AMRAP Hand Release Push-Ups 12/10 Cal Bike or 15/12 Row + AMRAP Double Unders 12/10 Cal Bike or 15/12 Row + AMRAP Burpee Pull-Ups —Repeat— Fitness 8 Rounds of 2 Min on/1 Min Rest (24 Min Total) 1 Min Bike + AMRAP...
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CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit Core EMOM 12 :20 Side Plank :20 Deadbugs Against Wall :20 Side Plank :20 Deadbugs Against Wall Workout Sexy Little Red Riding Hood (AMRAP – Reps) Compete (Rx+) 8 Rounds of 2 Min on/1 Min Rest (24 Min Total) 15/12 Cal Bike + AMRAP Box Jump Overs (30/24”) 15/12 Cal Bike + AMRAP Hand Release Push-Ups 15/12 Cal Bike + AMRAP Double Unders 15/12 Cal Bike + AMRAP Burpee Pull-Ups —Repeat— Performance (Rx) 8 Rounds of 2 Min on/1 Min Rest (24 Min Total) 12/10 Cal Bike or 15/12 Row + AMRAP Box Jump/Step Overs (24/20’’) 12/10 Cal Bike or 15/12 Row + AMRAP Hand Release Push-Ups 12/10 Cal Bike or 15/12 Row + AMRAP Double Unders 12/10 Cal Bike or 15/12 Row + AMRAP Burpee Pull-Ups —Repeat— Fitness 8 Rounds of 2 Min on/1 Min Rest (24 Min Total) 1 Min Bike + AMRAP...
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CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit Core EMOM 12 :20 Side Plank :20 Deadbugs Against Wall :20 Side Plank :20 Deadbugs Against Wall Workout Sexy Little Red Riding Hood (AMRAP – Reps) Compete (Rx+) 8 Rounds of 2 Min on/1 Min Rest (24 Min Total) 15/12 Cal Bike + AMRAP Box Jump Overs (30/24”) 15/12 Cal Bike + AMRAP Hand Release Push-Ups 15/12 Cal Bike + AMRAP Double Unders 15/12 Cal Bike + AMRAP Burpee Pull-Ups —Repeat— Performance (Rx) 8 Rounds of 2 Min on/1 Min Rest (24 Min Total) 12/10 Cal Bike or 15/12 Row + AMRAP Box Jump/Step Overs (24/20’’) 12/10 Cal Bike or 15/12 Row + AMRAP Hand Release Push-Ups 12/10 Cal Bike or 15/12 Row + AMRAP Double Unders 12/10 Cal Bike or 15/12 Row + AMRAP Burpee Pull-Ups —Repeat— Fitness 8 Rounds of 2 Min on/1 Min Rest (24 Min Total) 1 Min Bike + AMRAP...
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