CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit Core EMOM 12 :20 Side Plank :20 Deadbugs Against Wall :20 Side Plank :20 Deadbugs Against Wall Workout Sexy Little Red Riding Hood (AMRAP – Reps) Compete (Rx+) 8 Rounds of 2 Min on/1 Min Rest (24 Min Total) 15/12 Cal Bike + AMRAP Box Jump Overs (30/24”) 15/12 Cal Bike + AMRAP Hand Release Push-Ups 15/12 Cal Bike + AMRAP Double Unders 15/12 Cal Bike + AMRAP Burpee Pull-Ups —Repeat— Performance (Rx) 8 Rounds of 2 Min on/1 Min Rest (24 Min Total) 12/10 Cal Bike or 15/12 Row + AMRAP Box Jump/Step Overs (24/20’’) 12/10 Cal Bike or 15/12 Row + AMRAP Hand Release Push-Ups 12/10 Cal Bike or 15/12 Row + AMRAP Double Unders 12/10 Cal Bike or 15/12 Row + AMRAP Burpee Pull-Ups —Repeat— Fitness 8 Rounds of 2 Min on/1 Min Rest (24 Min Total) 1 Min Bike + AMRAP...
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CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit Core EMOM 12 :20 Side Plank :20 Deadbugs Against Wall :20 Side Plank :20 Deadbugs Against Wall Workout Sexy Little Red Riding Hood (AMRAP – Reps) Compete (Rx+) 8 Rounds of 2 Min on/1 Min Rest (24 Min Total) 15/12 Cal Bike + AMRAP Box Jump Overs (30/24”) 15/12 Cal Bike + AMRAP Hand Release Push-Ups 15/12 Cal Bike + AMRAP Double Unders 15/12 Cal Bike + AMRAP Burpee Pull-Ups —Repeat— Performance (Rx) 8 Rounds of 2 Min on/1 Min Rest (24 Min Total) 12/10 Cal Bike or 15/12 Row + AMRAP Box Jump/Step Overs (24/20’’) 12/10 Cal Bike or 15/12 Row + AMRAP Hand Release Push-Ups 12/10 Cal Bike or 15/12 Row + AMRAP Double Unders 12/10 Cal Bike or 15/12 Row + AMRAP Burpee Pull-Ups —Repeat— Fitness 8 Rounds of 2 Min on/1 Min Rest (24 Min Total) 1 Min Bike + AMRAP...
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CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit Core EMOM 12 :20 Side Plank :20 Deadbugs Against Wall :20 Side Plank :20 Deadbugs Against Wall Workout Sexy Little Red Riding Hood (AMRAP – Reps) Compete (Rx+) 8 Rounds of 2 Min on/1 Min Rest (24 Min Total) 15/12 Cal Bike + AMRAP Box Jump Overs (30/24”) 15/12 Cal Bike + AMRAP Hand Release Push-Ups 15/12 Cal Bike + AMRAP Double Unders 15/12 Cal Bike + AMRAP Burpee Pull-Ups —Repeat— Performance (Rx) 8 Rounds of 2 Min on/1 Min Rest (24 Min Total) 12/10 Cal Bike or 15/12 Row + AMRAP Box Jump/Step Overs (24/20’’) 12/10 Cal Bike or 15/12 Row + AMRAP Hand Release Push-Ups 12/10 Cal Bike or 15/12 Row + AMRAP Double Unders 12/10 Cal Bike or 15/12 Row + AMRAP Burpee Pull-Ups —Repeat— Fitness 8 Rounds of 2 Min on/1 Min Rest (24 Min Total) 1 Min Bike + AMRAP...
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CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit Core EMOM 12 :20 Side Plank :20 Deadbugs Against Wall :20 Side Plank :20 Deadbugs Against Wall Workout Sexy Little Red Riding Hood (AMRAP – Reps) Compete (Rx+) 8 Rounds of 2 Min on/1 Min Rest (24 Min Total) 15/12 Cal Bike + AMRAP Box Jump Overs (30/24”) 15/12 Cal Bike + AMRAP Hand Release Push-Ups 15/12 Cal Bike + AMRAP Double Unders 15/12 Cal Bike + AMRAP Burpee Pull-Ups —Repeat— Performance (Rx) 8 Rounds of 2 Min on/1 Min Rest (24 Min Total) 12/10 Cal Bike or 15/12 Row + AMRAP Box Jump/Step Overs (24/20’’) 12/10 Cal Bike or 15/12 Row + AMRAP Hand Release Push-Ups 12/10 Cal Bike or 15/12 Row + AMRAP Double Unders 12/10 Cal Bike or 15/12 Row + AMRAP Burpee Pull-Ups —Repeat— Fitness 8 Rounds of 2 Min on/1 Min Rest (24 Min Total) 1 Min Bike + AMRAP...
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CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit Strength 6 Sets DB Lateral Raise x 8 Strict HSPU or DB Z-Press x 5-8 6-Way Raise x 4 Workout Sexy Pirate (Time) Compete (Rx+) For Time 10 Wallballs (20/14) 400m Run 15 Wallballs 300m Run 20 Wallballs 200m Run 25 Wallballs 100m Run 30 Wallballs Performance (Rx) For Time 10 Wallballs (14/10) 400m Run/500m Row 15 Wallballs 300m Run/400m Row 20 Wallballs 200m Run/300m Row 25 Wallballs 100m Run/200m Row 30 Wallballs Fitness For Time 10 Wallballs (20/14) 400m Run 15 Wallballs 300m Run 20 Wallballs 200m Run 25 Wallballs 100m Run 30 Wallballs Goal: 10-12 Minutes Cap: 14 Minutes Steady pace on the run. Dont blow up in the first half of the workout. Try to keep the wallball unbroken the entire time.
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