CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit Strength Push Jerk (8×2, building to 65%) 65% for sets 6, 7, and 8 Workout Chappell Roan (AMRAP – Reps) Compete (Rx+) EMOM 16 Max Cal Row/Bike Max Bench Press (135/95) Max Cal Row/Bike Max Dips Performance (Rx) EMOM 16 Max Cal Row/Bike Max Bench Press (95/65) Max Cal Row/Bike Max Box Dips Fitness EMOM 16 Max Cal Row/Bike Max Bench Press (light) Max Cal Row/Bike Max Box Dips Goal: 10-15 cals/min, 12-16 bench/min, 8-14 dips/min Score is total reps combined. Maximize your reps in the movements you are strong at. Don’t burn out on the bench or dips.
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CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit Workout JoJo Siwa (Time) Compete (Rx+) For Time Buy In: 1500/1250m Row -then- 10 Rounds 10 Hang Power Snatch (95/65) 10 Overhead Squats -then- 500/400m Row Performance (Rx) For Time Buy In: 1200/1000m Row Or 70/60 Cal Bike Or 1000m Run -then- 10 Rounds 10 Hang Power Snatch (75/55) 10 Overhead Squats -then- 500/400m Row Or 30/24 Cal Bike Or 400m Run Fitness For Time Buy In: 750/600m Row Or 45/36 Cal Bike Or 600m Run -then- 10 Rounds 8 Hang Power Cleans (95/65) 8 Front Squats -then- 375/300m Row Or 18/14 Cal Bike Or 300m Run Goal: 22-25 Minutes Cap: 30 Minutes Pace yourself moderately through the first cardio. Keep squats as unbroken as possible. The weight is light, you should be able to cycle the barbell quickly. Send it on the last cardio piece.
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CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit Successory Work Every 3 Minute x 5 Sets Clean Deadlift x 5 (build to heavy 5) DB Push Press x 5-8 Strict Pull Ups x 8-10 Clean Grip Deadlift (5×5) Dumbbell Push Press when scoring, combine the weight of both dumbbells. Pull-ups Workout Renee Rapp (Time) Compete (Rx+) Every 4 Minutes x 5 Sets 400m Run or 500m Row 15/12 Cal Bike 12 Burpees to Target Performance (Rx) Every 4 Minutes x 5 Sets 300m Run or 400m Row 12/10 Cal Bike 10 Burpees Fitness Every 4 Minutes x 5 Sets 200m Run or 300m Row 10/8 Cal Bike 10 Up/Downs Goal: Sub 3:30 Cap: 3:30 Each set should be at a threshold pace—high intensity but repeatable. Score is slowest round of 2-5.
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CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit Partner WOD Bob the Drag Queen (Time) Compete (Rx+) Buy In: 1200m Run (relay style, switch every 200m) Then 12 Rounds 4 Handstand Push Ups 8 Chest to Bar Pull Ups 12 Goblet Squats (70/53) Performance (Rx) Buy In: 1200 Run (relay style, switch every 200m) then 12 Rounds 4 HSPU 8 Pull Ups 12 Goblet Squats (53/35) Fitness Buy In: 1000m Run (relay style, switch every 200m) then 12 Rounds 4 Dumbbell Press 8 Horizontal Rows 12 Goblet Squats (light) Partners alternate each round until 12 rounds total have been completed (6 each partner).
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CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit Successory Work Every 3 Minutes for 5 Rounds Pendlay Row x 6 Romanian Deadlift x 8 Sled Push x 100ft or 6 Cal Echo Sprint pending weather or 5, 6, 7am (noise ordinance) Workout Jinkx Monsoon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) Compete (Rx+) 3 Sets AMRAP 3 10 American KBS (53/35) 10 Alternating Goblet Lunges (53/35) 10 Toes to Bar Rest 1:30 Performance (Rx) 3 Sets AMRAP 3 10 Russian KBS (53/35) 10 Alternating Goblet Lunges (53/35) 8 Toes to Bar Rest 1:30 Fitness 3 Sets AMRAP 3 10 Russian KBS (light) 10 Alternating Lunges 10 Hanging Knee Raises Rest 1:30 Goal: 3 Rounds per AMRAP Keep the KB Swings and lunges unbroken. Break up the toes to bar into manageable sets to save your grip and your core. Pick up each AMRAP where you left off. Score is total rounds + reps.
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