CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Strength Single Arm Dumbbell Press 5×8/8. Build to a moderate/heavy set. *Complete on a 2:00 Clock Gymnastics Toes-To-Bar Review Progression: -Superman/Hollow Hold with PVC -PVC Sit Ups -PVC V-Ups -Beat Swings -Beat Swings with Lat Activation -Beat Swings to Chair Pose -Toes to Bar! Workout The Phantom Menace (Time) Freedom (RX+) 3 Rounds for Time 400m Run 15 Shoulder to Overhead (115/80) Independence (RX) 3 Rounds for Time 300m Run 15 DB Shoulder to Overhead (35/25) Liberty 3 Rounds for Time 250m Run 15 DB Shoulder to Overhead (light) Target time: 10-12 Minutes Time Cap 14 Minutes Your first round should be near the 3:00 mark. If you’re way over, scale back the distance on the run/row. As a buddy, this is your first workout of the week. Dip your toe in the water. There is absolutely no need to go full...
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