CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard WOD Metcon (Time) 4 Rounds for Time 50 Jumping Jacks 10 Push Ups 50 Jumping Jacks 10 Pike Push Ups 50 Jumping Jacks 10 Push Ups 50 Jumping Jacks 10 Pike Push Ups Rest 1 Min Between Rounds Rx+ 30 Double Unders 10 Push Ups 30 Double Unders 10 Handstand Push Upshttps://youtu.be/Z2Jg_hLl_bk AEROBIC CAPACITY WORK Metcon (Distance) 30-40 Minute Easy Run at 1.2-1.3x Mile Pace
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CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard STRENGTH Shoulders (4 Sets of Each) Single Arm DB Press, x6-8 Upright Row, x8-10 each side DB Rear Delt Flye, x8-10 each side DB Single Arm Push Press, x6-10 each side DB Front Raise, x10-12https://youtu.be/7aUg4V-Syrk WOD Metcon (Time) For Time 100 Glute Bridges 50 Sit Ups 50 Alternating Lunges 100 Air Squats Rx+ 50 DB Deadlifts 50 Sit Ups 50 Box Jumps/Step Ups 50 Single Arm DB Thrustershttps://youtu.be/GHGUP13dMDk AEROBIC CAPACITY WORK Metcon (Time) Hill Sprints 6-8 reps, 200-400m all out. Full recovery
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CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard WOD Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP 8 200m Run 5 Broad Jumps 5 Burpees Rest 2 Min AMRAP 8 200m Run 5 Star Jumps 5 Burpees Rest 2 Min AMRAP 8 200m Run 5 Broad Jump into Star Jumps 5 Burpees Rx+ 5 Single Arm DB Clean per side 5 Single Arm DB Clean and Jerk per side 5 Single Arm DB Snatch per sidehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_zo6u5ZR1o AEROBIC CAPACITY WORK Metcon (Distance) 40 Minute Easy Run 1.2-1.3x Mile Pace
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CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard STRENGTH Chest and Tris (4 Sets of Each) Single Arm Bench Press x6-8 per side Close Grip Bench Press x10-12 Tricep Extesion x10-12 Incline Push Ups x10-15https://youtu.be/yuCy2CGgp94 WOD Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP 12 5 Hand Release Push Ups 10 Lunges/Step Ups 15 Glute Bridges Rx+ 5 Hand Release Push Ups 10 Box Jumps/Step Ups 15 KB Swingshttps://youtu.be/Q4s2LkAl4EM AEROBIC CAPACITY WORK Metcon (Distance) 35 Minute Easy Run at 1.2-1.3x Mile Pace
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CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard STRENGTH Legs (4 Sets of Each) Goblet Squat x6-8 Single Leg Glute Bridge March w/ Squeeze x16 Forward Lunge x6-8 each side KB Swings x10 Split Squat Iso Hold, x25 sec each sidehttps://youtu.be/HmsWiKQHweg WOD Metcon (Time) 8 Rounds 50 Jumping Jacks 15 Tuck Crunches 12 Jump Squats Rest :30 Seconds between rounds Rx+ 30 Double Unders 15 Tuck Crunches 12 DB Snatchhttps://youtu.be/-SAxhf3-n1Y AEROBIC CAPACITY WORK Metcon (No Measure) Rest Day/Off
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