CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit Strength 10 Sets Build to heavy 2 Hang snatch (above the knee) *2 sec pause in hang, no slide and go* Hang Snatch Workout Grumpy (Time) Compete (Rx+) 4 Rounds for Time 1000m Bike 15 Strict HSPU Performance (Rx) 4 Rounds for Time 1000m Bike 15 HSPU Fitness 4 Rounds for Time 1000m Bike 15 Hand Release Push Ups Goal: 11-13 Minutes Cap: 15 Minutes Steady pace on the bike. Small sets with quick rest on HSPU
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CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit Strength 6 Sets Bench Press x 3, build to 85% DB Row x 5/5 Banded Facepull x 12 Bench Press Workout Happy (AMRAP – Reps) Compete (Rx+) 4 Sets AMRAP 3 3 Clean and Jerks (135/95) 6 Toes to Bar 9 Air Squats —1:00 Rest— Performance (Rx) 4 Sets AMRAP 3 3 Clean and Jerks (115/75) 6 Toes To Bar 9 Air Squats —1:00 Rest— Fitness 4 Sets AMRAP 3 3 DB Hang Clean and Jerks 6 Hanging Leg Raises 9 Air Squats —1:00 Rest— Score is total reps. Goal: 220 Pick up where you left off each amrap Don’t stop moving!
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CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Gym Closed
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CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit Partner WOD Who spit in her bean curd? (Time) Compete (Rx+) For Time With A Partner 100 Walking Overhead Plate Lunges (45/25) 75 Burpees to the plate 1:00 Accumulated dead hang 1000m sandbag run together 1:00 Accumulated dead hang 75 burpees to a plate 100 walking overhead plate lunges (45/25) Performance (Rx) For Time With A Partner 100 Walking Overhead Plate Lunges (25/15) 75 Burpees to the plate 1:00 Accumulated dead hang 1000m sandbag run together 1:00 Accumulated dead hang 75 burpees to a plate 100 walking overhead plate lunges (25/15) Fitness 50 Walking Overhead Plate Lunges (15/10) 40 Burpees to plate :40 accumulated dead hang 800m run :40 accumulated dead hang 40 burpees to a plate 50 walking overhead plate lunges (15/10) Partners run together, but one partner holds the sandbag at a time.
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CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit Strength 6 Sets Deadlift x 4, no heavier than 80% Deadbugs x 10/10 Deadlift Workout Yup, this cricket’s a lucky one! (Time) Compete (Rx+) 10 Rounds for Time 30 Double Unders 3 Deadlifts (315/205) Performance (Rx) 10 Rounds for Time 30 Double Unders 3 Deadlifts (225/155) Fitness 10 Rounds for Time 30 Single Unders 3 Deadlifts (95/65) Goal: 8-10 Cap: 12 Minutes Deadlifts should be heavy, but unbroken through all rounds. Try to finish the first 5 rounds in sub 4, dont treat it like an EMOM.
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