CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit Successory Work Every 3 Minutes x 5 Rounds Clean Pull x 3 (build to heavy 3) KB Good Morning x 10 Strict Pull Up x 5-8 Clean Pull (5×3 build to heavy triple) Workout “Common Sense” (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) Compete (Rx+) Go Faster Performance (Rx) 5 Sets AMRAP 3 30 Double Unders 12 American Kettlebell Swings (53/35) 100m Run —1 Min Rest b/t Sets— Fitness 5 Sets AMRAP 3 30 Double Unders 12 Russian Kettlebell Swings (35/26) 100m Run or 6/4 Cal Bike or 125/100m Row —1 Min Rest b/t Sets— Goal: 10+ Rounds Keep movements unbroken. Stay disciplined during transitions. Pick up each AMRAP where you left off.
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CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit Successory Work Every 3 Minutes x 5 Rounds Clean Pull x 3 (build to heavy 3) KB Good Morning x 10 Strict Pull Up x 5-8 Clean Pull (5×3 build to heavy triple) Workout “Common Sense” (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) Compete (Rx+) Go Faster Performance (Rx) 5 Sets AMRAP 3 30 Double Unders 12 American Kettlebell Swings (53/35) 100m Run —1 Min Rest b/t Sets— Fitness 5 Sets AMRAP 3 50 Single Unders 12 Russian Kettlebell Swings (35/26) 100m Run or 6/4 Cal Bike or 125/100m Row —1 Min Rest b/t Sets— Goal: 10+ Rounds Keep movements unbroken. Stay disciplined during transitions. Pick up each AMRAP where you left off.
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CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit Strength Pause Back, Front, or Overhead Squat 8×2 Paused Front Squat (8×2, build to moderate double) Pause Back Squats (8×2, building to moderate double) Back Squat with full 3 second pause at the bottom. Pause Overhead Squat (8×2, building to moderate double) Workout The Battle of Bunker Hill (Calories) Compete (Rx+) EMOM 20 1. 5 Bench Press (135/95) 2. Calorie Row 3. 50ft HS Walk 4. Rest Performance (Rx) EMOM 20 1. 5 Bench Press (95/65) 2. Calorie Row 3. 5 Wall Walks 4. Rest Fitness EMOM 20 1. 5 Bench Press (light) 2. Calorie Row 3. 5 Inchworms 4. Rest Score is total calories. Bench press should be 65% of your max. Challenge your wall walk/HS walk variation. BLESSED WITH REST! That means you can go harder on the rower 🙂
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CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit Strength Clean and Jerk (3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1 building to a moderate weight) Workout The Second Continental Congress (Time) Compete (Rx+) 4 Rounds for Time 15 Front Squats (75/55) 15 GHD Situps 15/12 Cal Bike or Row Performance (Rx) 4 Rounds for Time 15 Front Squats (75/55) 12 Stick Sit-Ups 12/10 Cal Bike or Row Fitness 4 Rounds for Time 15 Dumbbell Front Squats 15 Abmat Situps 10/8 Cal Bike or Row Goal: 9-11 Minutes Cap: 13 Minutes Front squats unbroken or 2 sets. Find your threshold pace! The fastest pace that you can maintain for 4 rounds.
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CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit Partner WOD The Babadook (Time) Compete (Rx+) 10 Rounds 10 Bench Press (135/95) 20 Alt V Ups 100m Run Performance (Rx) 10 Rounds 10 Bench Press (115/80) 16 Alt V Ups 100m Run FItness 10 Rounds 10 Push Ups 16 Situps 100m Run Partners alternate movements.
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