CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit Strength Hip Clean High Pull + Hip Clean 8 x (1+1) build to a moderate weight. Focus on driving the barbell up with the legs and keeping the lats tight to keep the barbell close. Hip clean can be power or squat.
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CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit Workout Jay Cutler (Time) Freedom (Rx+) For Time (Partition as you like) 2000m Run 200 Double Unders 60 Cal Bike 40 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20) Independence (Rx) For Time (Partition as you like) 1600m Run 150 Double Unders 40 Cal Bike 40 Burpee Box Jump/Step Overs (24/20) Liberty For Time (Partition as you like) 1200m Run 200 Single Unders 30 Cal Bike 40 Up/Down Step Ups Goal: 22-25 Minutes Cap: 30 Minutes Find your threshold pace – the fastest pace you can maintain throughout the entire workout – and stay there. Break it up into manageable sets that keeps you moving.
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CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit Workout Jay Cutler (Time) Freedom (Rx+) For Time (Partition as you like) 2000m Run 200 Double Unders 60 Cal Bike 40 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20) Independence (Rx) For Time (Partition as you like) 1600m Run 150 Double Unders 40 Cal Bike 40 Burpee Box Jump/Step Overs (24/20) Liberty For Time (Partition as you like) 1200m Run 200 Single Unders 30 Cal Bike 40 Up/Down Step Ups Goal: 25-27 Minutes Cap: 30 Minutes Find your threshold pace – the fastest pace you can maintain throughout the entire workout – and stay there. Break it up into manageable sets that keeps you moving.
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CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit Strength Every 3 Minutes x 5 Sets 10 Plate Front Raise 12 Dumbbell Lateral Raise 10 Banded Pull Aparts Plate Front Raise (3×10) *Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets Focus: Grab a weight plate at 3 o’clock and 9 o’clock positions. Keeping the arms extended (but not locked out), raise the plate until the hands reach eye level and then return back down. Athletes should keep the core braced and should not be tempted to go heavier than what they can show control with throughout entire range of motion. Standing DB Lateral Raise (5×12) *Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets *Build to a moderate weight; stay the same or build across Focus: While standing, hold a dumbbell in each hand with dumbbells slightly in front of the body. Raise the dumbbells to the side, focusing on leading the movement with the elbows and not the hands. Arms should stay...
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CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit Strength Every 3 Minutes x 5 Sets 10 Plate Front Raise 12 Dumbbell Lateral Raise 15 Banded Pull Aparts Plate Front Raise (3×10) *Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets Focus: Grab a weight plate at 3 o’clock and 9 o’clock positions. Keeping the arms extended (but not locked out), raise the plate until the hands reach eye level and then return back down. Athletes should keep the core braced and should not be tempted to go heavier than what they can show control with throughout entire range of motion. Standing DB Lateral Raise (5×12) *Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets *Build to a moderate weight; stay the same or build across Focus: While standing, hold a dumbbell in each hand with dumbbells slightly in front of the body. Raise the dumbbells to the side, focusing on leading the movement with the elbows and not the hands. Arms should stay...
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