CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit Strength Pause Overhead Squat, Back Squat, or Front Squat 8 x 3 building to 65% of Snatch or Clean (3 sec pause in bottom) Paused Front Squat (last 3 sets at 65% of Clean) Pause Back Squats (last 3 sets at 65% ) Back Squat with full 3 second pause at the bottom. Pause Overhead Squat (last 3 sets at 65% of snatch) Workout Hayley Kiyoko (Time) Compete (Rx+) 3 Rounds for TIme 10 Deadlifts (225/155) 20 Box Jump Overs (24/20) 400m Run -1:00 Rest- Performance (Rx) 3 Rounds for TIme 10 Deadlifts (185/125) 20 Box Jump/Step Overs (24/20) 400m Run/500m Row/1000m Bike -1:00 Rest – Fitness 3 Rounds For Time 10 Deadlifts (light) 16 Box Step Ups 300m Run/400m Row/800m Bike -1:00 Rest- Goal: 12-15 Minutes Cap: 17 Minutes LEG CITY! Population: you. Deadlift in 2 sets or unbroken. Sustainable pace through the box...
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