CrossFit Mile Zero – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Strength/Accessory Reverse Lunge 5×6/6. Reps can alternate or you can do all 6 per side before switching legs. Use barbells or dumbbells. *Complete on a 2:30 Clock *Superset with banded low rows 5×10 Workout Workout (Time) Pour Some Sugar on Me Freedom (RX+) 5 Sets (1 set every 2:30) 8x40ft Shuttle Runs 12 Front Squats (135/95) * Each shuttle run rep = 20ft down, 20ft back (40ft total) Independence (RX) 5 Sets (1 set every 2:30) 8x40ft Shuttle Runs 12 Front Squats (115/80) Liberty 5 Sets (1 set every 2:30) 6x40ft Shuttle Runs 12 Dumbbell Front Squats (light) Target time each set: sub 1:30 Time cap each set: 2 minutes Aiming for repeatable and sustainable efforts. Do your best to get to the bar and pick it up quickly following your shuttle runs. Score is slowest round. Mobility Mobility (Checkmark) 1 min...
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